Our Mission
The China-US Business Summit is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing business cooperation and cultural communication between China and the United States.
Our goals are:
Building a platform for communication and cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises in China and the USA.
Promoting Chinese entrepreneurship and corporate culture.
Enhancing mutual understanding and economic integration.

---In doing so, the Summit seeks to integrate resources from both nations, spreading their excellent enterprise cultures in order to build a non-governmental ground where enterprises from the two countries may meet, and provides comprehensive services for Chinese and American enterprises that seek overseas cooperation. Each year, we host an annual event designed to connect Chinese investors and local professionals to help them find business investment opportunities and real estate projects in the U.S, and have had ample success.
---Over the past 14 years, our organization has met many of our own personal goals, reaching a number of achievements that we have worked towards as a team. The China-US Business Summit has harnessed numerous partnerships throughout the United States, assisting in a wide range of services from finance, entertainment, education to realty. Among those, we have helped Chinese entrepreneurs with their properties investment and wealth management; helped Hollywood film producers to acquire investments from Chinese entrepreneurs; assisted Chinese enterprises to develop their US subsidiaries; facilitated the purchase transaction of small companies for our members.
---October of 2022 will mark the 13th Summit that we have held in honor of entrepreneurs from China and the United States, and the event will take place in Beijing, China. Due to COVID-19, for the first time China-US Business Summit was held in Beijing in October 2020. Since the debut of Summit in 2009, the China-US Summit Organizing Committee has continued to pursue and facilitate opportunities for business cooperation and cultural communication between the two nations. Each year our events have seen immense growth as we strive to provide perfectly matched business opportunities and international cooperation between both nations. Currently, we have over 3,000 entrepreneur members in China and over 400 members within the U.S. with the desire to invest in business projects and build new professional relationships. By the end of 2019, just in Southern California, Summit members from China have invested approximately $200 million in different areas.
---Today, the China-US Business Summit works towards the same mission as it did on day one.
---However, we are more prepared and more capable as we seek to promote Chinese entrepreneurship through sound economic integration.